Jared Davis

Senior Software Engineer

I am an experienced software engineer who focuses on high-quality code with clear business value. I have a diverse skill-set balanced between software engineering, data engineering, and devops. I currently prefer using the Go programming language. Throughout my career, I have had extensive experience with the Ruby language and its ecosystem.

Technical Skills

Software Engineering
Go, gRPC, Lambda, NATS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Sinatra, TypeScript, ZeroMQ
Data Engineering
Athena, Aurora, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Minio, PostgreSQL, Redis, S3, Spark
Ansible, Cloudinit, CloudFormation, Debian, Docker, EC2, Terraform


No Magic Dev

Principal Software Engineer


  • Independent consultancy owner and engineer for clients ranging from startups to enterprises
  • Redesigned and built Information Project SMS Tool for the 2020 US Presidential Election
  • Provided guidance and engineering support for startup release of Elyah Qubit Workbench
  • Maintained and developed new features for Coinbase Earn
  • Transitioned multiple back-end services from Ruby to Go microservice implementations

Marble Technologies

Senior Software Engineer

Cambridge, MA

  • Developed data annotation tooling to feed AI/ML training pipeline
  • Automated software deployment processes for on-premise systems
  • Designed messaging bus service to handle factory floor deep learning inference


Principal Software Engineer


  • Maintained and deployed features enabling network log analysis for cyber-security practitioners
  • Architected time-series data compression and rollup services for further analysis

Turing Group (now Deft / Summit)

Senior Software Architect

Chicago, IL

  • Advised USG Digital Transformation unit on data warehousing strategy across its organization
  • Maintained software portion of Florence Corp cloud-based IoT locker system
  • Explored proof-of-concept initiatives leveraging Amazon Big Data tooling both internally and for client organizations

Kenna Security (now Cisco)

Senior Software Engineer

Chicago, IL


Senior Software Engineer

Chicago, IL

  • Developed and maintained lunch delivery service operating in multiple US cities
  • Integrated and transitioned to new email backend provider for marketing
  • Prototyped Apple Watch iOS application for delivery notifications
  • Enhanced continuous integration systems for complete system build and deployment

Ifbyphone (now Invoca)

Software Engineer

Chicago, IL

  • Developed and tested new Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system
  • Engineered phone survey logic for large volume automated phone marketing initiatives

TermSync (now Esker)

Software Engineer

Chicago, IL

  • Created accounts receivable invoice data roll-ups to enhance customer's net 30
  • Integrated with ACH Network to process 3rd party invoicing payments


University of Chicago

Bachelor of Arts

Chicago, IL

Northwestern University

Master of Science

Evanston, IL